Gönderen Konu: Ethnic Issues in Turanian Lands: Finland  (Okunma sayısı 9036 defa)

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 Our Finn Anda's,

 What are the ethnic issues of Finland ? 

 What are the reactions of Finn Nation against Non-Turanian people who have lived as ethnich groups, refugees, immigrants?
 Which one of them are considered hostile or allied by Finn Nation?   


Çevrimdışı Marka Ragnos

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Ynt: Ethnic Issues in Turanian Lands: Finland
« Yanıtla #1 : 30 Aralık 2007 »
We have two Turanian minorities here: Saamis and Tatars.

I consider both nations same as Finns and I respect those people alot and they are like Finns. Tatars are even more racists generally towards immigrants. :wink: :-)

Then other minorities:

-Jews and gipsies:

Most Finns hates or dislike gipsies and some dislikes (sometimes hate) jews. I hate those two groups so much. We have about 1200 jews and about 10 000 gipsies. :x


They are two groups actually. Ethnic swedes, who naturally are non-Turanians, lives in some places of south-coast, west-coast, archipelago and of course in Ahvenanmaa. They have no place here and I would kick them all to Sweden. They are enemies of my people and their party RKP is whole time filling Finland in muds. :x Then we have those Finns who speak swedish in their first language and usually they have swedish name and culture. They should speak Finnish and change their names and understand that they are Finns. Most of them are traitors still...And will be... :-(

Most Finns dislikes that they have to study dirty swedish-language.

All swedish-speakers are about 6% of population.

-New comers:

Kurds, somalis, arabs and russians: Most Finns dislikes them and I hate especially kurds and somalis. I want all those four out! And their related-nations too...

Vietnamese: They make much crimes, but their crimes are almost totally economical, so it does not bother most people. I want also vietnamese out.

Here was list main groups in Finland.

Çevrimdışı TiginNoyan

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Ynt: Ethnic Issues in Turanian Lands: Finland
« Yanıtla #2 : 30 Aralık 2007 »
It is surprising that there are gypsies and Jews left in Finland. It seems the pro-Nazi administration could not entirely complete it's duty during WWII ;D

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Çevrimdışı Marka Ragnos

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Ynt: Ethnic Issues in Turanian Lands: Finland
« Yanıtla #3 : 30 Aralık 2007 »
Actually (unfortunately) jews and gipsies have not ever been under hard persecution here.

And our government was not so much pro-NS. Some ministers were, but government generally not. And don't forget that mannerheim himself was swede and jew partly.

Çevrimdışı TiginNoyan

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Ynt: Ethnic Issues in Turanian Lands: Finland
« Yanıtla #4 : 30 Aralık 2007 »
I didn't know Mannerheim was part Jewish.

How did the Nazis allow Finland to keep it's gypsies and Jews?

Türük Oguz begleri bodun eşid: üze teŋri basmasar asra yir telinmeser Türük Bodun iliŋin törügün kim artatı utaçı erti? Türük Bodun ertin, ökün!

Çevrimdışı Marka Ragnos

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Ynt: Ethnic Issues in Turanian Lands: Finland
« Yanıtla #5 : 30 Aralık 2007 »
Well, Finland was not vassal-state of Germany but rather in similar position as Japan and Italy.

There was some jewish-blood in mannerheims noble-family, and he absolutely was not Finn.

BTW: If Mäntsälä-rebellion would manage in 1932, we would get Lapua Movement-government with General Wallenius as dictator and jews and gipsies would be wiped out much before starting of WWII. :wink:

Çevrimdışı TiginNoyan

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Ynt: Ethnic Issues in Turanian Lands: Finland
« Yanıtla #6 : 30 Aralık 2007 »
Well, Finland was not vassal-state of Germany but rather in similar position as Japan and Italy.

Yes, I know that. That is the reason how Finland was not "punished" like the vassals of Germany by the Allies after WWII.

BTW: If Mäntsälä-rebellion would manage in 1932, we would get Lapua Movement-government with General Wallenius as dictator and jews and gipsies would be wiped out much before starting of WWII. :wink:

Hmm interesting info.

Türük Oguz begleri bodun eşid: üze teŋri basmasar asra yir telinmeser Türük Bodun iliŋin törügün kim artatı utaçı erti? Türük Bodun ertin, ökün!

Çevrimdışı Marka Ragnos

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Ynt: Ethnic Issues in Turanian Lands: Finland
« Yanıtla #7 : 31 Aralık 2007 »
Wallenius was Finnish NS, and that ideology is actually Traditional Finnish ideology without foreign influences, and Shamanist. He hated all harmful minorities and supported always ethnic cleansings. :wink:

Çevrimdışı Marka Ragnos

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Ynt: Ethnic Issues in Turanian Lands: Finland
« Yanıtla #9 : 19 Ocak 2008 »
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