Gönderen Konu: Ethnic Issues in Turanian Lands: Hungary  (Okunma sayısı 9680 defa)

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 Our Hungarian Anda's,

 What are the ethnic issues of Hungaria ?

 What are the reactions of Magyar Nation against Non-Turanian people who have lived as ethnich groups, refugees, immigrants etc?
 Which one of them are considered hostile or allied by Magyar Nation?   


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Ynt: Ethnic Issues in Turanian Lands: Hungary
« Yanıtla #1 : 30 Aralık 2007 »
The only thing I know is that Hungarian nationalists colleborated with the Nazis in Hungary and Vojvodina during WWII, massacring large numbers of Jews and Serbs.

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Ynt: Ethnic Issues in Turanian Lands: Hungary
« Yanıtla #2 : 31 Aralık 2007 »
massacring large numbers of Jews and Serbs.

 Nice job.  :-D

 I know that our Hungarian brothers dont like Slovaks(miserable slavic villagers who had no history) , Gipsies(thieves like everywhere), Romanians(They stole Erdely-Transilvania from Hungaria), Russians.

Çevrimdışı Turul1101

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Ynt: Ethnic Issues in Turanian Lands: Hungary
« Yanıtla #3 : 06 Nisan 2011 »
The only thing I know is that Hungarian nationalists colleborated with the Nazis

What do you mean "collaborated"? After 1848 the jews grabbed most of the wealth in Hungary and poisoned us with liberalism, during the first world war they got rich selling the soldiers saw-dust bread and taking everything from the peasants in the name of the war - they were the ones portioning out the food. After the world war they created a Communist state in 1919 by promising the soldiers social justice and war against the dismemberment of our homeland, and they murdered and tortured civillians in the rear while young men were sent off to fight in the Hungarian Red Army (and they made sure to launch opertaions as bloody as possible to kill as many young Hungarian men as possible).

The Horthy regime which followed the Communist state sold out to them, was financed by rich jews, and did very little against them. Even after they comitted Communism they controlled the media, and were the rich in the Horthy regime - while the people were poor. They even got richer on World War Two. Virtually all of the weapons manufacturers during world war two were jewish (which is why a Hungarian bullet cost three times as much as a German bullet, and no effective Hungarian Tanks were ever built). Hungary was a refuge for jewish criminals up untill 1944 (nearly a million immigrated form Poland, Romania, and Slovakia) while the Horthy regime sent our soldiers to die in thin clothes, and substandard weapons (made mostly by jewish manufacturer, war profiteer and personal friend of Horthy - Weiss Manfred).

The Horthy regime entered the Second World War to avoid occupation by the Germans and shipping Horthy's friends off to Auschwitz (while they did everything they could to sabotage the war effort at home).

Finally in 1944 they were shipped off to detention camps, at that time the wealth of the Hungarian state fit in 16 railway cars, while the wealth confiscated from the Jews needed 19 railway cars.

I won't even go into what they did after the war, how they murdered children after 1956, or what they are doing today. If we did a few things to keep them from doing us more harm, and get a little bit of justice it wasn't because we don't like their religion, or "hate" them irrationally.

The Hungarian state was on the side of the axis to avoid invasion, Hungarian nationalists were on the same side as the Germans because we had the same enemies, because communism was a life or death threat, and because the Britain and France gave away 2/3 s of our country, and their governments have no sense of justice, honesty or decency.

As for the Serbs (you can ask the Bosnians about them - and they "love" Turks): they committed atrocities against Hungarian civillians during and after world war one, comitted crimes in the interwar period, Serbian partisans attacked Hungarian civillians during world war two.

In response a military police unit got a little rough with them.

The leader of the unit Colonel Zöld (Green) (if I recall correctly) had both his parents murdered by communists. The Horthy regime praised his actions at first, than a few months later the spineless bastards charged him with war crimes. The Serbs comitted more crimes after the war. Even today there are attacks against Hungarians in "Voivodina". That's the situation with the Serbs.

"Magyar létedre érzel fajod iránt ragaszkodást, hûséget, szeretetet?"

"Aki valóban hû marad fajához szerencsétlenségében is, abban megvannak az összes polgári erények."

"Csak a gyenge szereti önmagát, az erõs egész nemzeteket hordoz szívében."

"Állapítsd meg, mik a kötelességeid, teljesítsd õket pontosan."

"Mindenek elõtt áll elõttem a hûség a fajtámhoz!"

- Gróf Széchenyi István

Çevrimdışı Turul1101

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Ynt: Ethnic Issues in Turanian Lands: Hungary
« Yanıtla #4 : 06 Nisan 2011 »
Our Hungarian Anda's,

 What are the ethnic issues of Hungaria ?

 What are the reactions of Magyar Nation against Non-Turanian people who have lived as ethnich groups, refugees, immigrants etc?
 Which one of them are considered hostile or allied by Magyar Nation?   


That's a sensitive question. Before I discuss that what must be understood is that non-ethnic Hungarians get offended when ethnic and racial issues are discussed - they are touchy about that. Ethnic Hungarians don't discuss it honestly because they don't want to offend their overly sensitive countrymen, and because most have some foreign descent of their own and they become fearful about that.

So it's a difficult subject.

But, in spite of this, being a true Nationalist I feel it is a very important subject - however it usually has a negative reaction.

The other problem is that the situation in Hungary is very serious. Gipsy crime, poverty, injustice, a totally anti-Hungarian justice system, and total power by the jews and the criminals who support them creates a very serious situation - today the question is will Hungary survive at all, will we be colonized by the Jews and be turned into a second Israel (some say colonization is their intention - and there is proof), and will the Gipsyes become a majority (half the young people in Hungary today are gipsy young - if this continues in 20 or so years they will be the majority).

So in this environment of life and death struggle bringing ethnic, and ideological divisions to the surface is not very useful.

I could give you some estimates about the Hungarian Ethnicity in Hungary - but that would most likely draw a hostile reaction from the majority of my countrymen -  and the situation is not right for arguments of this type.

I will tell you that sensitivity, jealousy, and hostility on the part of Hungarians of European (or mixed) descent is my main problem with my countrymen of mixed descent - and their sympathies for various foreign nations which about half of them have (disloyalty and indifference to Hungarian interests), other than that I don't have a problem with them. I only have a problem with people to the extent they create problems for the Hungarian Nation. ( I have never treated a Hungarian of mixed descent any differently than any other Hungarians - but I do love my race and nation) (and anti-Hungarians do piss me off)

BUT I will tell you this, if the Hungarian ethnicity is to survive the issue of the decline of the Hungarian ethnicity WILL have to be dealt with honestly.

So today we have a dual problem - the first problem is the survival of Hungary, and all the very serious problems we face (effectively genocide by the jews using poverty, moral destruction and gipsy crime), the second problem is the survival of the de-facto Hungarian nation.

But you know I believe Turkiye faces similar problems - I believe there is a reason AKP gets elected - and it is because Turks who have more Arabic than Turkish background are slowly becoming a majority in your country as well. If this is true and nothing is done to restore the balance - Turkiye might sink into the "middle east" like a ship into the sea...

"Magyar létedre érzel fajod iránt ragaszkodást, hûséget, szeretetet?"

"Aki valóban hû marad fajához szerencsétlenségében is, abban megvannak az összes polgári erények."

"Csak a gyenge szereti önmagát, az erõs egész nemzeteket hordoz szívében."

"Állapítsd meg, mik a kötelességeid, teljesítsd õket pontosan."

"Mindenek elõtt áll elõttem a hûség a fajtámhoz!"

- Gróf Széchenyi István